

Presentation 1

The music piece I’m going to introduce to you today is Beethoven’s 5th Symphony, C minor, op. 67, the 1st movement.   Would you open your score to p. 31 and look at the first bar?
The music has a unique motif and begins powerfully as it is played by several instruments in unison.  The introductory notes are very well known to almost everyone.  I feel strongly moved by the progression of the music in which the motif is repeated many times, gaining momentum each time.  The motif creates a very intense energy, which unifies not only the first movement but also the entire piece.  I would like to play this piece in an orchestra some day.
Well then, let’s listen to the CD and pay attention to how the motif will appear in the music.

♪ ♪ ♪   ♪ ♪ ♪

 How did you like it?  Did you notice the successive 8th notes were often used in the music?  This rhythm appeared in several ways. For example, it appeared with an intense energetic burst when a large number of instruments were played together, or with a sweet melodic sound created from deeper-toned instruments.  That’s all fantastic, isn’t it?
Now tell me your impression about this work.


「今日紹介する作品はベートーベン作曲、交響曲5番 ハ短調 作品67 第1楽章です。楽譜の○○ページの○○小節目を見てください。

この曲は、特徴的な動機がユニゾンで奏されることにより、迫力ある始り方をします。このことはとても有名です。しかし、この動機が何度も現れ、発展していく過程に私は感動を覚えます。第1楽章だけでなく、作品全体 を統一するこの動機は、大変強いエネルギーを持っています。いつかこの曲をオーケストラの奏者として演奏してみたいです。
